Tuesday, January 12, 2010


剛留意到歐中剛回覆了關於 00 Z 和 12 Z 是否不同的詢問. 內容應不涉及敏感話題或私穩, 故原文貼出來:

Dear Martin Wong,

Thank you for your enquiry regarding a possible difference between the 00Z and 12Z medium range weather forecasts from ECMWF. There is no difference between the forecast models used for the 00Z and 12Z forecasts but they differ in the input data used to define the initial condition. The forecast verifications show that the forecasts differ a bit, but we are not aware of any major systematic differences. Please advice us if you have observed any systematic differences in the Southeast Asia region.

Kind regards,
Erland Källén
Head of Research at ECMWF

如之前所料, 00 和 12 Z 應是同一個模式. 據以上回覆, 它們是採用不同的輸入. 這裏不太明白所指為何, 因不同時次自然是有不同的輸入. 不過, 最重要的是 00 和 12 Z 所採用的模式完全沒有分別, 而他/她們 verification 亦沒有發現結果有很大出入. 加上之前"迴圈分析"一文亦討論過輸入資料還是應該一報一報向後傳(00 傳到 12; 12 傳到 00)的, 所以問題應不大, 不會再跟進.

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